Results The enlarged cavernous sinus and the enlarged superior ophthalmic vein appear distinctly in the same plane, that is the characteristic appearance of arteriovenous fistula in cavernous sinus. 结果扩张变形的海绵窦与曲张的眼上静脉在同一层面清晰显示。
Microsurgical anatomy of ophthalmic vein and anterior cavernous sinus space 眼静脉与海绵窦前间隙的显微外科解剖学
Methods All patients ( 22 cases) underwent cerebral angiography to find the location and size of the orifice of fistula, and 21 cases were treated with detachable balloon via internal carotid artery, 1 case was treated with micro coil via ophthalmic vein. 方法22例均行数字减影血管造影(DSA),明确诊断,显示瘘口部位及大小后,21例行颈内动脉可脱球囊栓塞治疗,1例行眼上静脉微弹簧圈栓塞治疗。
Conclusions Superior ophthalmic vein enlargement and its blood flow signal characters, showed by color Doppler ultrasound, were valuable to differential diagnosis of its etiologies. 眼眶动静脉畸形则呈双向混杂血流的眼上静脉扩张,并常合并眶前部畸形血管团。结论彩色多普勒超声可以显示眼上静脉扩张及其血流动力学状态,对眼上静脉扩张的病因具有鉴别诊断价值。
Study on Microsurgical Anatomy of Carotid-Cavernous Sinus Fistulas Embolism Through Superior Ophthalmic Vein 经眼上静脉行海绵窦动静脉瘘栓塞的显微解剖学研究
Imaging diagnosis of dilated superior ophthalmic vein 眼上静脉扩张的影像学诊断与逆向栓塞治疗颈动脉海绵窦瘘
In 1 case with thrombophlebitis, its SOV showed dilated superior ophthalmic vein without blood flow. 1例眼上静脉血栓性静脉炎显示眼上静脉扩张但无血流信号。
The middel fossa segment of superior ophthalmic vein had the structure of venous sinus. 眼上静脉颅中窝段具有静脉窦结构。
Feeding arteries detected by CDFI counted up to 42 branches ( 72.4%). The venous drainage through transverse sinus and superior ophthalmic vein were all detected. 供血动脉检出42支(72.4%),经横窦及眼上静脉的引流均检出,经上矢状窦及皮层静脉的引流均未能检出;
Conclusion: Being familiar with the microsurgical anatomy of the superior ophthalmic vein may be useful for planning the treatment of carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas. 结论:熟悉眼上静脉显微解剖关系可以很好地指导经眼上静脉行海绵窦瘘栓塞治疗。
In 13 cases, superior ophthalmic vein was the main draining vein, 3 cases showed signs of steal. 13例海绵窦瘘主要通过眼上静脉引流;3例有不同程度偷流现象;
A mosaic flash of carotid-cavernous fistula was carefully detected and the corresponding sonographic spectrum of internal carotid artery, external carotid artery and superior ophthalmic vein was measured. 沿颈内动脉颅内段走行仔细探查海绵窦瘘的异常彩色血流团测量颈内动脉、颈外动脉和眼上静脉的血流频谱。
Conclusion Graves ophthalmopathy, in CT imaging, is characterized by enlargement but low intensity of extraocular muscles, exophthalmos, anterior shifting and enlargement of lacrimal gland, widening of superior ophthalmic vein. 结论Graves眼病的CT特征为眼外肌增粗,密度减低,突眼,泪腺肿大前移,上眼静脉增粗。
The lateral sector is pass by the trochlear, frontal and lacrimal nerves and the superior ophthalmic vein. 滑车神经、额神经、泪腺神经及眼上静脉经外侧区穿行。
Objective: To provide microanatomy data for treatment of carotid-cavernous sinus fistulas using a superior ophthalmic vein approach. 目的:为经眼上静脉行海绵窦动静脉瘘栓塞提供显微解剖学依据。
Eleven cases of enlarged superior ophthalmic vein, 2 cases of dilatation of sphenoparietal sinus with outstretched cerebral medial and superficial veins, 2 cases of dilatation of superior and inferior petrosal sinuses, and 1 case of dilatation of inferior ophthalmic vein and palpebral vein. 眼上静脉扩张、迂曲11例,蝶顶窦和大脑中、浅静脉扩张2例,岩上窦和岩下窦扩张2例,眼下静脉和眼睑静脉扩张1例;
Results: Under Reconstruction, enlargement of cavernous sinus and development and enlargement of superior ophthalmic vein happened in 18 cases, development and enlargement of middle cerebral vein occurred in 8 cases at the arterial phase. 结果18例均海绵窦扩大.动脉期眼上静脉显影并扩张,8例动脉期大脑中静脉显影并扩张。
Hint about this characteristic: the nutrient vessel of OCH does not come from the ophthalmic artery, ophthalmic vein or intracranial vessel. 由此提示:眼眶海绵状血管瘤的滋养血管应不来源于眼动静脉或颅内血管。
The superior ophthalmic vein passed through the narrow lateral sector of the superior orbital fissure by the outside of the common tendinous ring from the site between origins of the superior rectus muscle and lateral rectus muscle and drained into the cavernous sinus. 眼上静脉于上直肌和外直肌起点间经总腱环外面穿眶上裂外侧区注入海绵窦前下间隙,且与总腱环粘连紧密。
Dissection of superior ophthalmic vein 眼上静脉的解剖
Applied anatomy of cavernous sinus embolism through superior ophthalmic vein 经眼上静脉入路行海绵窦栓塞的应用解剖学
The Etiological Diagnosis of Enlarged Superior Ophthalmic Vein with Ultrasonography and Computed Tomography 眼上静脉扩张病因的超声和CT诊断
Changes of superior ophthalmic vein in intracranial hypertension by MRI 颅内压增高时眼上静脉改变的MRI研究
Value of color Doppler in diagnosis of superior ophthalmic vein enlargement 彩色多普勒超声对眼上静脉扩张的诊断价值